Explorers Against Extinction

Fundraise for Explorers Against Extinction

About us

Only 15% of land is protected and more than 40,000 species appear on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. We work to fight wildlife crime, safeguard biodiversity and reduce loss of natural habitats.

Making a donation, or fund-raising for us would make a big difference to the frontline projects we support.

Responsible travel is integral to Explorers Against Extinction and that's why we have an extensive travel network to help you travel to wonderful wild places while also supporting conservation.

To find out more about our work please click here.


Any donation large or small can help to support the projects we work with. You can make a donation using the yellow Donate button on this page.


Just click the yellow Fundraise button to create a fundraising page. Alternatively we are listed on all the major platforms including Just Giving.

Whether you're running, rowing, walking, climbing, baking, painting or singing, as we've discovered,  if everybody helps a little, it can make a real difference.

We welcome your support!

Thank you.





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